Place, Conyers
Place, Conyers an English divine of some note, flourished in the first half of last century, very near the opening of that sera. We know nothing of his personal history. He has left several valuable publications, among which we note, besides his Sermons (Lond. 1702, 4to; 1721, 8vo; 1705, 4to), Adversaria (1709): — Remarks, with Queries put to Mr. Bolde, concerning his wild Pamphlet. or clouterly Invective, against the Christian Ministry and World, called Some Thoughts concerning Church Authority (1724, 8vo): — Space is Necessary Being, etc. (1728): Essay towards the Vindication of' the Visible Creation (1729, 8vo): — Reason an Insufficient Guide (1735): — Remarks on a Treatise entitled A Plain Account, etc., of the
Lord's Supper, in which all the texts in the New Testament which relate to it are produced and explained, and the whole doctrine about it is drawn from them alone (1735). See Blakey, Hist. of the Philosophy of the Mind, 3, 31; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; Hook, Eccles. Biog. s.v.