Peter (Pierre) of Maillezais
Peter (Pierre) Of Maillezais a French chronicler of the 11th century, was, according to Dom Rivet, a man of talent, of merit, and learning. He embraced the monastic rule in the early part of the 11th century, and flourished uinder Goderanne, abbd of Maillezais, in Bas-Poitou. We have an interesting article of his upon the history of his time, particularly that of the counts de Poitiers and the abbe' of Maillezais. Father Labbd has comprised it (Malleacense Chronicon) in the monuments that he collected for the history of Aquitaine. What concerns the translation of Saint Riomer has been detached from it and published again by Mabillon and the Bollandists. See Hist. Litt. de la Friance, 5:599. — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 40:187.