Jacob of London
Jacob of London a Jewish Rabbi who flourished in England at the opening of the 13th century, was appointed by king John, at the commencement of his reign, when yet friendly to the Jews, and uninfluenced by the diabolical exertions of the Roman prelate Stephen Langton, as chief Rabbi of England ('presbyteratus omnium Judmeorum totius Angliee"). Jacob was a man of great learning, especially conversant with Jewish tradition, and held in high esteem by Jews and Gentiles. Even the king hesitated not to call him his dear friend ("dilectus et familiaris noster"). Unfortunately, we have no knowledge of any of his literary productions, which, by a man of his abilities, must have been valuable, especially as an index to the history of the Jews in England under king John. See Gratz, Gesch. d. Juden, 7, 16. (J. H. W.)