Fellowship (2)
(κοινωνία), "joint interest, or the having one common stock. The fellowship of the saints is twofold:
1. With God (1Jo 1:3; 1Co 1:9; 1Co 13:13);
⇒Bible concordance for FELLOWSHIP.
2. With one another (1Jo 1:7). Fellowship with God consists in knowledge of his will (Job 22:21; Joh 17:3); agreement in design (Am 3:2); mutual affection (Ro 8:38-39); enjoyment of his presence (Ps 4:6); conformity to his image (1Jo 2:6; 1Jo 1:6); participation of his felicity (1Jo 1:3-4; Eph 3:14-21; 2Co 13:14). Fellowship of the saints may be considered as a fellowship of duties (Ro 12:6; 1Co 12:1; 1Th 5:17-18; Jas 5:16); of ordinances (Heb 10:24; Ac 2:46); of graces, love, joy, etc. (Heb 10:24; Mal 3:16; 2Co 8:4); of interest spiritual, and sometimes temporal (Ro 12:4,13; Heb 13:16); of sufferings (Ro 15:1-2; Ga 6:1-2; Ro 12:15); of eternal glory (Re 7:9)." SEE COMMUNION.