Felice, Guillaume Adam De
Felice, Guillaume Adam De professor and dean of the Protestant faculty of Montauban, was born at Otterberg in 1803. He studied at Strasburg; was in 1836 pastor at Bolbec; in 1838 was called to the chair of ethics and homiletics at Montauban, and in 1865 was made dean of the faculty. In 1870 he retired from public activity, and died at Lausanne, October 23, 1871. Felice was a very excellent preacher. Besides his contributions to Les Archives du Christianisme, L'Esperace, New York Observer, and the Evangelical Christendom, he published, Essai sur l'Esprit et le But de l'nstitution Biblique, a prize essay (Paris, 1823): — Appel d'un Chretien aux qens de Letires (ibid. 1841; Germ. transl. by Dielitz, Berlin, 1843): — Histoire des Protestants de France (4th ed. Toulouse, 1861; translated into four different languages). See Pedezert, G. de Felice, Professeur et Predicateur; Recolin, in Lichtenberger's Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:352 sq. (B.P.)