Colburn, Hanford
Colburn, Hanford a Methodist Episcopal minister, was received into the Oneida Conference at its organization in 1832, ordained deacon, and sent to Danby Station, which then had only three members, without church, parsonage, or salary, but before a year closed he had a great revival. Subsequently he served Newark, Owego, and Binghamton. He was then made financial agent of Cazenovia Seminary, and in 1840 elected to the principalship of that institution. Being driven by sickness in his family to enter the mercantile business, he located at Elmira; also practiced medicine, which he had studied in his youth, at Albion. At the time of his death, in 1881, he was a member of the Central New York Conference. Mr. Colburn was a wise counsellor, a faithful friend, and a man of God. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1881, page 330.