Burgess, Daniel
Burgess, Daniel an Independent divine, was born at Staines, Middlesex. 1645; was educated at Oxford; from 1667 to 1674 he lived in Ireland as chaplain and schoolmaster, and afterward was an exceedingly popular minister for many years in London. He died in 1713. "His piety and learning were alloyed by too much of humor and drollery. In one sermon he declared that the reason why the descendants of Jacob were named Israelites was that God would not have his chosen people called Jacobites. In another he exclaimed, if you want a cheap suit, you will go to Monmouth Street; if a suit for life, you will go to the Court of Chancery; but for an eternally durable suit you must go to the Lord Jesus and put on his robe of righteousness." — Darling, Cyclop. Bibliog. s.v.; Allibone, Dict. of Authors, s.v.