Am Ende, Johann Joachim Gottlob
Am Ende, Johann Joachim Gottlob a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born. in 1704 at Grafenhainichen, in Saxony. He studied at Wittenberg, and succeeded his father in the pastorate at his native place. In 1743 he was called to Schulpforte, and in 1748 he was appointed superintendent at Freiburg, in Thuringia. The year following he was called to Dresden, having been honored by the Leipsic University with the doctorate of divinity. He died May 2, 1777. He wrote, Commentatio Epistolica de quibusdam N.T. Locs, Act. 14, 27; 1 Cor.16:9; Col. 4:4 (Wittenberg, 1744): — Christes, i.e. Acta Apostolorum e Lingua Originali in Latinam Translata et Catrmine Heroico Expressa, Notisque Subjunctis Illustrata (ibid. 1759). Besides, he published a number of Sermons, which are enumerated in the Suppl. to Jocher's Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)