Penn, Granville

Penn, Granville youngest son of the Hon. Thomas Penn (son of the founder of Pennsylvania) by lady Juliana Fermor, fourth daughter of Thomas, first earl of Pomfret, was born in 1761. He was for some time an assistant chief clerk in the War Department, for which he received a pension of £550, and succeeded to the family estates upon the death of his brother, John Penn, LL.D. Granville Penn has conferred an inestimable service on the Church by his learned and valuable contributions (extending over a period of about thirty years) to theological literature. He died in 1844. We quote of his works: Critical Remarks on Isaiah 7:18 (Lond. 1799, 4to): — Remarks on the Eastern Origination of Mankind, and of the Arts of Cultivated Life (1799, 4to): — Three Copies of his Greek Version of the inscription on the Stoner fom Egypt [Rosetta, etc.] (1802, 8vo): — Observations in Illustration of Virgil's Fourth Eclogue (1810, 8vo): — A Christian's Survey of all the Principal Events and Periods of the World (2d ed. 1812, 8vo): — The Bioscope, or the Dial of Life Explained (1814, sm. 8vo): — The Prophecy of Ezekiel concerning Gog, etc. (1814. 8vo): — Original Lines and Translations (1815, 8vo): — Institutes of Christian Perfection of Macarius, translated from the Greek (1816, sm. 8vo; 2d ed. 1828, 12mo): — An Examination of the Primary Argument of the Iliad (1821, 8vo): — A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies (1822, 8vo; suppl. 1823, 8vo; 2d ed. [of the whole] revised and enlarged with relation to the latest publications on Geology, 1825, 2 vols. 8vo; again, 1844,.2 vols. in one, 8vo): — Memorials of the Professional Life and Times of Sir William Penn, knight, etc., 1644-1670 (1833, 2 vols. 8vo): — The Book of the New Covenant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; being a Critical Revision of the Text and Translation of the English Version of the New Testament, with the aid of most ancient Manuscripts unknown to the Age in whiich that Version was put forth by Authority (1836, 8vo): — Annotations to the Book of the New Covenant, etc. (1837, 8vo): — Supplemental Annotations to the Book of the New Covenant, with a Brief Exposure of the Strictures of the Theological Reviewer for July (1837, 1838, 8vo). See Lond. Lit. Gaz. Jan. 28, 1837; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Auth. 2:1550.

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