Minor, Melchior Gottlieb

Minor, Melchior Gottlieb a German theologian, was born at Zilzendorf, in the Silesian county of Brieg, Dec. 281693; received his preparatory education at the orphan school at Halle, where he distinguished himself by great proficiency in the ancient languages; in 1709 he entered the gymnasium at Zittau, and in 1712 the university. He studied theology and philosophy at Wittenberg; soon afterwards he went to Halle, to study modern languages, civil and ecclesiastical law, and mathematics. Upon the completion of his course in 1715, he returned to his native city, where he got a position as tutor; in 1720 he was appointed minister at Teppliwode, in the principality of Miinsterberg; and in 1722 minister at Landshut. Some time after he was appointed counsellor of the Prussian consistory, and inspector of churches and schools of the district of Schweidnitz. He died September 24, 1748. Some of his most important works are, Das Leben im Leiden, eine Leichenpredigt uber Psalm 42:2, 3 (Landshut, 1723, fol.): — Das nothige Wissen eines Christen (Janer, 1723,1 2mo): — Kurze Nachricht- von den Altiren der Juden, Heiden und Christen, mit einer Beschreibung

des in der Gnadesnkirche von Landshut erbauten Altars (Landshut, 1725, 4to): —Hauptsumme der christlichen Lehre (ibid. 1726, 12mo): — Geistliche Reden und Abhandlungen (Leipsic and Breslau, 2 vols. 1752, 8vo): —Heilige Betrachtungen fiber die Evangelien (ibid. 1756, 8vo): — Heilige Betrachtungen fiber die Leidensgeschichte Jesu (ibid. 1757, large 8vo). See Doring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschlinds, s.v.

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