Adindynus, Gregory

Adindynus, Gregory a Greek monk who flourished at Constantinople in the 14th century, was united with Barlaam in his hostility against Gregory Palamas and the Hesyvdhastae, or. Quietists. Palamas believed that the light which encircled Christ during his transfiguration was uncreated, essential to, and coeternal with, the Godhead. Acindynus and Barlaam maintained that the light could not emanate from the Godhead, and that no mortal eye could by any possibility see the Divinity. A synod of Constantinople in 1337 rebuked both parties, and ordered them to be quiet. But in his retirement in Greece Acindynus advocated his view, and it was supported by patriarch John XIV, who even convened a council in 1347; in which the opinion of Palamas was condemned. Among the works of Acindynus there are a treatise, De Essentia et Operatione Dei (Ingolst. 1616, 4to): — an Iambic Poem (Allatius [Leo], Graec. Ortod. 1, 756-770), concerning the views of Palamas: — and fragments of two other treatises, also against Palamas. See Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. 2, App. p. 39; Dupin, Bibl. des Ait. Eccles. 14eme Siecle, c. 6; Landon, Eccles. Dict. s.v.

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